o2 sensors in Australia

Steve Lamb lambs at hotblk.dsto.defence.gov.au
Mon Sep 15 00:44:40 GMT 1997

>2) aftermarket. I haven't done *too* much looking in this department,
>only that i've found a couple of exhaust shops want 150 bucks for an
>unheated o2 senor, and about 250 for a heated one (i think).

These prices are ridiculous.  The best I've been able to do is:

$A90 - single wire (unheated)
$A150 - three wire (heated)

These are a 'generic' type (FuelMiser) via a friendly local auto parts
supplier, who gets all his stuff from Repco (well, these anyway).

I've also looked into importing some from the US, but there is only a
marginal saving once you take the conversion factor and shipping into


Steve Lamb
Department of Defence, DSTO
Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratory
506 Lorimer Street
Fishermans Bend  VIC 3207 Australia
Tel: +61 3 9626 7525
Fax: +61 3 9626 7089

IZCC #180

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