D-jet injector disassembling

lindberg peter plindb1 at gl.umbc.edu
Mon Sep 15 17:53:17 GMT 1997

	My '71 Volvo has Bosch D-jetronic.  I have a feeling that the
injectors aren't atomizing nearly as well as they should be.  I've tried
the snake oil -- er, I mean injector cleaner w/ techron, and it doesn't
seem to do the trick.  Even when added to a nearly empty fuel tank for a
more concentrated solution...  I once took the injectors & fuel rail off
and filled the rail with the cleaner, so that when reinstalled and run,
the straight cleaner would be pushed thru the injectors at 30psi.

I've been contemplating sending my injectors away for the compleat
"blueprinting", balancing, servicing, etc, for $25 per injector.  But I
figure if they can clean my injectors effectively, I should be able to

My question is how does one disassemble a D-jet injector?  From the
cutaway diagram in my Hanes manual, there seems to be a threaded portion
near the top.  Does the thing merely unscrew and come apart that way, or
is it more complicated?

Please CC response to 
plindb1 at gl.umbc.edu
as I am subscribed to the digest.
Peter Lindberg

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