DIY_EFI Digest V2 #331

firkins at firkins at
Tue Sep 23 22:18:40 GMT 1997

>>Nothing to do with efi .....but I had to share this with you all.
>>This story was related by Pat Routledge of Winnepeg, Ontario about a repair
>>call he handled while living in England.  It's common practice in England
>>to ring a telephone by signaling extra voltage across one side of the two
>>wire circuit and ground (earth in England).  When the subscriber answers
>>the phone, it switches to the two wire circuit for the conversation. his
>>method allows two parties on the same line to be signaled without
>>disturbing each other.  Anyway, an elderly lady with several pets called to
>>say that her telephone often failed to ring when her friends called; and
>>that on the few occasions when it did ring her dog always barked first.
>>Pat proceeded to the scene, curious to see this psychic dog.  He climbed a
>>nearby telephone pole, hooked in his test set, and dialled the subscriber's
>>house.  The phone didn't ring.  He tried again.  The dog barked loudly,
>>followed by a ringing telephone.  Climbing down from the pole, Pat found:
>>a. The telephone system's ground was disconnected from the ground post and
>>used to restrain the dog via an iron chain and collar.
>>b. The dog was receiving 90 volts of signaling current.
>>c. After several such jolts, the dog would start barking and urinating on
>>the ground.
>>d. The wet ground now completed the circuit and the phone would ring.
>>Unfortunate but very funny =-)
>>  Simon Quested (E-mail questeds at
>>  Computer Technician, Silicon Graphics & Windows NT Support
>>  Centre for Computing and Biometrics
>>  Phone (64)(03) 3252811 Ext. 8087

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