Turbo Tricks

Peter Lindberg plindb1 at gl.umbc.edu
Thu Sep 25 18:39:48 GMT 1997

Along similar lines there are a couple of books on how to make a working 
model jet engine (turbine) and one shows briefly about a small
chamber (similar to the model jet) between the exhaust and turbo and
fuel in and getting boost at idle. Wouldn't that be interesting!! (if
your're turboed)


About 25 years ago a company called Turbonique made small rocket/jet
engines for race cars.  One of their products was a "self-powered
supercharger" -- It looked just like a large turbo, but with a
rocket/jet combustion chamber where the exhaust input would be.  I'll
leave it up to the imagination as to how much boost and extra horsepower
the thing produced. . . (and of course, lag would be nonexistant)

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