DIY_EFI Digest V2 #338

talltom at talltom at
Sat Sep 27 12:30:48 GMT 1997

Just for grins, is anybody else at all fascinated by the cadillac stuff?
been playing with an 85 digital setup, and while not much on computers 
or programming, it sure seems like a neat setup. It gives readouts of
damn near everything,(admitedly only one at a time) and I have
to wonder if some hacking and retrofitting wouldn't be able to 
accomodate just about anything. It's a map/mat sys., so should
be canibalizable to hairy cams if that's your interest. I had one
behind the shop,(with $50,000 scope and chassis dyno, and the car's
computer told me everything I wanted to know so I didn't even bother
to use the shop.) It's well documented, with the parameters ofr
the sensors given and readable real time, self testing, etc....

  They're cheap in the yards too....:-)

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