Diacom runs and ramblings (longish)
lkurek at smtpgate.anl.gov
lkurek at smtpgate.anl.gov
Wed Apr 1 17:24:11 GMT 1998
Umm...pretty much any spreadsheet/database program can be used to
analyze the Diacom data. I do it all the time. Export the Diacom data
into DBIII format, and import into anything. What I then do is write
some quick off hand queries to analyze, say, average O2 readings
between 75-100% throttle, or avg knock retard per 500 rpm increase,
etc. So, while I don't have a "program" to specifically do this,
anyone can with a little effort.
Larry Kurek
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Subject: Re: Diacom runs and ramblings (longish)
Author: <diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu> at internet
Date: 4/1/98 10:18 AM
Hey, this one sounds interesting. Can those of you who have analysis
programs for the Diacom and Diacom plus expound on what you are doing or
even submit your programs, themselves?
At 09:33 AM 4/1/98 -0600, you wrote:
>> >If you want to analyze the data with something more commonly available,
>> >try using Microsoft Access. I think you can use it to pull in a text
>> >file, but I'm not sure.
>> YOu absoltuely can with Access, whether the file is space or comma
>> Just a FYI :)
>I have been outputting the diacom stuff in DBase format, and then reading
>it in with quickbasic to do analysis. I prefer simple programming languages
>over spreadsheets, it is alot simpler for complicated things. I have mine
>calculating various things from the data. The DBase format is fairly easy
>to reverse engineer.
> Roger
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