Project 101??

Bruce Plecan nacelp at
Fri Apr 3 17:53:38 GMT 1998

 Eric Elliott <eelliott at>
>Don't know what is project 101, haven't screened the recent archives,

About identifing as many addresses on a 1227747 and going from there.

 but would yall like dumps of PROMS for a 1227747 for a 1988 210 HP TBI

Bins and Broadcast codes would be fine, thank you

>If yall want them, I'll search for a reader & post them. Or if that isn't
>easy, will mail some EPROMs to some one that has a reader.

nacelp at
>Also I have a 16134847 ECM containing SMD and QFP parts on a single board,
>no recognizable CPU number & no PROM in a DIP. It is plug compatible with
>1227747 ECM and was intended for a ??

'92 Chev 2.2 eng code 4  Beretta types

No worries mate

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