Mike Jones
rmjones at
Thu Apr 9 22:00:35 GMT 1998
There may be enough room to do this but it will be tight. Those ports on
my setup are quite short, not terribly wide and not very deep either. I
think I'll have to make a new riser and bypass the water around that
section. Won't be too difficult and shouldn't be too frought with hidden
dangers, and as a bonus I'll end up with a less restrictive riser.
Mike Jones
>>Squash wrote:
I have a copy of the marine 4D and Di system in front of me here and it
says to install the o2 sensor in the cast-iron manifold, right next to
one exhaust port. I have a newer manual than the one released (for the
marine projection) and it goes into much much better detail than the
original manuals.
Andy Quaas>>
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