A FREE 25 MILLION! (fwd)

Alain Toussaint alaint at boisfrancs.qc.ca
Thu Apr 16 19:32:01 GMT 1998

does there is a subscriber to this list who's domain name is hk.super.net
or something like that,my last posting i did is to this list and (the only
2 list i post is this list and the debian-user list and i hasn't posted on
the debian list since saturday),also,is there other person who receive
spam from this site,i allready took some action for this a**hole but i'd
like to know where is that come from.


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From: majordomo at hk.super.net
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To: Friend at public.com
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 98 22:23:48 EST
Subject: A FREE 25 MILLION!
X-UIDL: a6b5ac758d9f4a7f12f4b29daf10b1ab

Please excuse the intrusion.

YES!  A FREE 25 MILLION E-mail Addresses at your disposal!!!!  

If you have a business that needs E-mail addresses, I have
some good news for you!

If you have checked out E-mail services before, you probably 
have found out they are very expensive to buy!  Like $200 for 
2,000 E-mail addresses!  That is ridiculous!! 

Well, I have wonderful news for you!  For only a ONE TIME FEE
of only $5.00, I will send you 250 MILLION Legitimate
E-mail Addresses!!

How could you lose on this one? 
But BEWARE, SUPPY IS LIMITED, so hurry and send your one 
time fee of $5.00 (cash or money order only) and I will E-mail
you your 250 MILLION addresses!!


Make sure the cash is concealed by wrapping it in at least two
sheets of paper!

On one of those sheets of paper write "FREE E-MAIL" and include
your name and E-mail address and I will send them to you the 
same day received!


Cynthia Parker
638 Wood Hollow Drive
Marietta, GA  30067

HURRY!  DON'T DELAY, at this price they are going SUPER FAST!!

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