Blankety blank blank.

Ken Kelly kenkelly at
Fri Aug 14 19:13:50 GMT 1998

	How close to the lamp did you put the chips. I have a small
database II chip eraser. The chip window sits less than a
1/16" from the glass of the UV tube. If you need some erased
I can clean a few for you.

		Ken Kelly

Shannen Durphey wrote:
> Well, since I've read that an ultra violet lamp can erase
> eproms, I tried it.  Set a timer for 3 mins with my lamp on
> the chip,checked it with the burner, not blank.  5 mins, 10
> mins, 20 mins; not blank.  Got to "The heck with it" and
> left it on for an hour (with six chips under it), still not
> blank.  What gives?
> Lamp reads "UV-A Ultra Violet" and "BLE-270W". Wrong
> frequency?  Knowing how well my CSH fits, I made sure to
> take the stickers off the little window.  Left one in the
> sunlight for a (long) while, and it was blank when I
> checked.
> Yes, I know this is crude.  Yes, I know an eraser is the
> proper way.  Yes I'm going to buy one.  In the mean time,
> why won't these chips erase?
> Shannen

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