Subject: Techline coatings [not EFI related]

Mark Romans romans at
Sat Aug 15 03:27:38 GMT 1998

Hello All:   I bought the Black Satin 2000 deg Techline Coating from Summit,
I started to sand blast and got bored quickly.  (I prev had access to a
commercial blaster) this time only had portable blaster.  I paid $200.00 to
have them done, (I provided the material) and he coated the inside with some
white looking stuff. Also did the Y-pipe.  The coating is a flat black.  The
coater says they need to be cured at 700deg F and his oven only goes to 450.
So I need to make sure they don't go over 700 on startup.   They look great
though.  I'll let the list know how it goes after installation and start up.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Mayer <mayerk at>
To: diy_efi at <diy_efi at>
Cc: DIY_EFI-Digest at
<DIY_EFI-Digest at>
Date: Friday, August 14, 1998 8:18 PM
Subject: Subject: Techline coatings [not EFI related]

>> From: Ludis Langens <ludis at>
>> Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 04:38:49 -0800
>> A few months ago, there was some discussion about using coatings from
>> on various engine parts.  It sounded
>> like several of you have done this.  Did you order direct from Techline,
>> or get it through a retailer like Summit?  (I'm think of putting Black
>> Satin on exhaust manifolds and CBC2 on piston domes.  The target engine
>> will not be given another chance to bake it's oil into sludge!)
>I researching this myself.  Techline only sells through distributors.
>Call them at 1-972-923-0752 and they'll tell you the nearest dealer, and
>also send you a catalog.

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