What is an EAC soleniod on 7747...

Ross Myers ponty at axis.jeack.com.au
Wed Aug 19 23:50:25 GMT 1998

I was looking over the drawings Shannen so kindly posted for the N.G. I am
planning a swap from my 1226026 to a 7747, nearly all the pins are there
only I'm a bit confused as to what a EAC Solenoid is (Pin C2) and the EVRV
Solenoid (A4)

Particularly the EVRV, according to the drawing on the 4.3L & 5.0L that pin
goes to the EGR Solenoid, but on the 5.7L and 7.4L the same pin is used for
the EVRV Solenoid.

My guess for the EAC is the A.I.R control as it also hooks up to pin C on
the ALDL.

Any answers?.


Ross Myers

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