Found some more tables in 7747...

Ross Myers ponty at
Sat Aug 22 01:19:08 GMT 1998

>>$107 - $145 , Base Coolant Spark Advance correction Vs Load.
>How did you come up with this name?
>>$107 = 10h , RPM Offset (16dec, what is this in RPM?).
>>$108 = 40h , MAP Offset (64dec, what is this in kPa ?).
>>$109 = 05h , 5 entry column width.
>I've been working under the assumption it was map, rpm, column width...
>>$10A - $10E , 3degF
>>$10F - $113 , 25degF
>>$114 - $118 , 46degF
>>$119 - $11D , 68degF
>>$11E - $122 , 90degF
>>$123 - $127 , 111degF
>>$128 - $12C , 132degF
>>$12D - $131 , 154degF
>>$132 - $136 , 176degF
>>$137 - $13B , 197degF
>>$13C - $140 , 219degF
>>$141 - $145 , 241degF
>How do these numbers work?.

Like I said Bruce, I based them on the Buick Bin which as you know has been
dissected byte for byte. O.K so it MAF, but....

I know the table is probably not 100% correct, hence why I put it up, hoping
somebody may have already conclusively discovered it's purpose.



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