O2 sensor bias
zubenubi at inetport.com
Fri Aug 28 03:44:51 GMT 1998
Graph I'm looking at (reproduction of Volkswagen data) pretty well
agrees with what you quote for the leaner portion but not the rich
side. I'd say more like 13:1 or so at 0.9 volts, couple SAE papers
I've looked at also agree with this well, and I know my RX-7 which
runs a fairly rich mixture at WOT runs a solid 0.84 volts on the
O2 mete. A number of people I've talked to indicate they see
best power somewhere in the range of 0.86 - 0.90 volts, which would
agree pretty closely with the equation of that voltage with a 13:1
> > Yes I do. In the Accel EMIC Training Manual (don't ask!) on page 1-5 , Fig
> > 1.3B presents a graph of the output vs. lambda of whatever Bosch 3 wire
> > sensor it is that Accel sells with their EFI kits. "Output voltage switches
> > rapidly from 200--800 mv" at lambda =1 (14.7:1). Looking at the graph, the
> > output is down to 100 mv by 15:1
> > and up to 900 mv by 14.4:1.
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