GM ECM injector driver capacity
Ken Kelly
kenkelly at
Fri Aug 28 13:29:01 GMT 1998
From all I have seen about the ECM driver circuit, I would
agree that a second driver for the additional injectors
would be a good idea. I would probably try to drive it from
the ECM injector output. I would leave the first injectors
on the stock driver, and put the second injectors on the new
driver. I would delay the opening of the second injector
slightly, but close it in sync with the first injector. If
you did this idle and cruise would only use a single
injector, so you would get good fuel control & economy for
normal driving. The second injectors would come in as soon
as the ECM called for longer solenoid dwell times. It would
put a kink in the fuel curve, but that can be compensated
for in the ECM calibration.
> Likely no, (Sales pitch comming) Just get in on the Injector/Ignition
> driver board buy on the EFI332 list, any you can drive that with the stock
> ECU's output and run a bunch of injectors off of that. You could even
> parallel them, as you have the ability to remove/change the current
> limiting functions and behaviour. You could even make a peak and hold
> injector system with a 24volt supply and saturated if you were so inclined ;-)
> Sandy
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