O2 sensor bias
Bruce Plecan
nacelp at bright.net
Fri Aug 28 21:04:20 GMT 1998
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: O2 sensor bias
I gotta an idea. Take a LM339 (Comparator), set it at say .5v.
Run that to a 555, and then run an on after delay, and after
delay on. Then thru a 1K resistor fire a LED. Then set up
a voltage divider of two 10K resistors across the LED.
SPDT switch for resume, and warm up, then try different
dutations above, and below the .44v refence and see what happens
to the BL/INT.
Basically this is what I'm doing with the bench right now, and
it takes it a fair while to choke, on the O2 sensor,
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