Ox sender actual function
xxalexx at ix.netcom.com
xxalexx at ix.netcom.com
Wed Dec 2 04:21:05 GMT 1998
There is always good papers in with the bad. All journals have same
problem. EPA mobile sources, seems to get most of there regulatory
ideas from the big-3 especially GM. There equipment is mostly
donated. The past few years in phasing in new emission stds. they
could not get there test setup to test. If your in AnnArbor area
stop by and visit lab. You can reach Cliff Tyree there and by email
at the EPA web site.
> I ask you---what better way to advance a pseudo technical political agenda
> and give it an aura of respectability to the uninitiated than to publish a
> paper on (spparently) scientific research through an (apparently) reputable
> organization which does not follow a strict regimen of peer review!! WHAT
> And I'll bet that LOTS (IF NOT MOST) expensive regulatory (NHTSA and EPA,
> not to mention INSURANCEE INSTITUTE (joan Claybrook)) decisions, based on
> (so-called) cost-benefit analyses are based on just this sort of "science".
> Calling it a travesty earlier was too polite a term, I guess!!
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