'67 w/ '97 LT1 running to factory specs (finally)!!!

Walter Sherwin wsherwin at idirect.com
Sun Dec 20 15:21:36 GMT 1998

Many of the major "Scanner" manufacturers also market software which can
link their scan tools to conventional laptop computers.  You can mount the
laptop on a homemade perch, in close view, and observe a HUGE screen of
numerical and graphical data.  You can even data log the events, and post
view them.  Snap-Off, as an example,  sells a neat little program (P/N
MT2500-GRFX) to interface their MT2500 scanner.

Happy Holidays!

-----Original Message-----
From: soren <soren at rio.com>
To: diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu <diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu>
Date: Sunday, December 20, 1998 1:25 AM
Subject: Re: '67 w/ '97 LT1 running to factory specs (finally)!!!

>Can someone come
>>up with a heads-up display for scan tools?<g> Trying to steer, shift and
>>press buttons on the scan tool got..ummm..interesting.)
>    It gets easier with practice.  Some of us do this for a living;  you
>get to where you hold the scan tool with your left hand (up high on the
>wheel) and check all the values with quick glances and peripheral vision.
>You just have to know how many presses of the buttons gets you to the value
>you want, and then quickly glance down to look at the readings.

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