ECM Wiring Diagram

Bruce Plecan nacelp at
Tue Dec 29 21:18:35 GMT 1998

-----Original Message-----
From: Cbm8296 at <Cbm8296 at>
Subject: Re: ECM Wiring Diagram

>> For the tach signal you want the white wire running off the coil in the
>> engine compartment. This sometimes runs through the ecm plug
>> but continues onto the dash tach if used. The white wire has nothing
>>to do with the ecm
>> gl:peter
>I'm confused by this.  If the white wire doesn't go to the ECM, where does
>go and what is it's purpose?

It goes to the dash cluster for driving a tach "when fitted".  Lots of
cars have a semi universal dash, so to get a set of guages for a
86 camaro that didn't have any, you change the dash, and the sensors.

  Can I still get it from inside the car somewhere
>like I originally thought, or will I have to run that dreaded wire out to

How ambitious are you?.  If you track it down you'll probably see it
disappear into a connector, on the firewall, and then use a continuity
light to find it on the interior.  Or get a good wiring diagram (local
library), and track it down.

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