Malfunction Flags

Ludis Langens ludis at
Tue Feb 10 17:05:00 GMT 1998

bruce plecan <nacelp at> wrote:
> Can anyone speak with authority, and say that once you
> turn off a diagnostic flag if the ecm still runs the test.  Jus
> by driving, I'd say  the EGR test on my 747 does, but not
> absolutely positive.

The Fiero V6 ECM performs most checks even when the mask bit is turned
off.  There are only three exceptions: code 21 (low TPS), code 42 (EST)
and code 43 (ESC).  Most of the checks can be neutered by setting the
limit to one extreme or the other.

               unsigned long BinToBCD(unsigned long i) {unsigned long t;
Ludis Langens     return i ? (t = BinToBCD(i >> 1), (t << 1) + (i & 1) + 
ludis at            (t + 858993459 >> 2 & 572662306) * 3) : 0;}

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