Tuning O2sensor Knock Sensor Engine Damage

Orin Eman orin at wolfenet.com
Wed Feb 11 08:35:52 GMT 1998

> ref: Orin:
> One bad thing about running on the knock sensor is
> that not all ecms have a decay rate for the knock
> sensor so once ya trigger say 4d everything is retarded
> until you turn the engine off.

I didn't mean to imply anything about running on the
knock sensor, other than to use it as an example in
the max torque argument.

You of course, are absolutely correct about running on the
knock sensor.  In my case, once the ECU thinks it has
detected knock, it retards every cylinder by 2.7 deg.
It does however gradually advance each cylinder
individually, but it takes > 5 seconds to get back...
(1.3 deg steps).

Like you mention above, it is also possible to get
permanently retarded - it will switch ignition maps
to one for regular fuel if it gets to max retard...
and this is indeed effective until the engine is turned off.

This in my opinion is more a safety than max power issue!
With this kind of engine management, 'you knock, you lose!'.


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