O2 sensor voltage output

Orin Eman orin at wolfenet.com
Fri Feb 13 00:26:24 GMT 1998

>      I looked for the AD597 and only came up with the AD595 for a Type K. 
>      Is this the same, just pin/cost reduced? Also, is a Type K temperature 
>      max of 1250 C all right for sticking in the header next to the exhaust 
>      port? In other word, what is the temperature range for EGT. 

Interesting, the AD597 has disappeared from the Analog web page.
Pity, since the 595 doesn't seem to have the cheap package option -
it will run around $13 each.

Allied Electronics still have the AD597AR and I have the data sheet.
For a one off project, it would be a good choice.

No problem with the Type K in the exhaust.  It's what is used in EGT
probes.  You can buy a ready made EGT probe for < $30 if you look around.


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