FW: MAF Upgrad

bruce plecan nacelp at bright.net
Tue Feb 24 00:20:35 GMT 1998

My .02 why not just come up with a MAP sensor to MAF output,
converter.   This would be basically a simple voltage to freguency
converter.  I've heard of this device, and it sounds simple, but
it's beyond my skills.  Have the device look at air temp, engine
vacuum, and rpm..  For the price of a replacement MAF this
would be a great idea in my book, but hey what do I know.
With a little (OK maybe alot), it could be programmable or
have an adjustment knob for setting max flow displays to
match max air flow usage of the engine.  So no resolution
would be lost.
HTH  Bruce  Wearing a cone shaped hat does not violate
                     any truth in advertising laws...

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