Zirconia O2 sensor alternate modes of operation

Zack zubenubi at inetport.com
Tue Feb 24 01:22:22 GMT 1998


Actually, picking up an ECU from a junkyard doesn't seem such a bad idea. 
I'd like to start peeking into one anyway.  I've only been on the list a
few days, though, and have no idea what I need to be looking for?  What's a
good, cheap ECU that would have this part in it?
	I tried to looking up the LM1964 on National's web page, but there's no
data sheet listed for it there, and I can't find that in my catalogs
either.  : (


> From: Ludis Langens <ludis at cruzers.com>
> To: Diy_efi <diy_efi at esl.eng.ohio-state.edu>
> Cc: zubenubi at inetport.com
> Subject: Re: Zirconia O2 sensor alternate modes of operation
> Date: Sunday, February 22, 1998 11:18 PM
> Zack <zubenubi at inetport.com> wrote:
> > Do you know of a source for these chips, and how much they cost?  I've
> > looked in my Allied catalog, Mouser, etc. and can't seem to find it.
> Um, yes.  The 8 pin DIP version is $30 each at the local bone yard.  And
> they come bundled with a nice aluminum project case.
> But that's not what you wanted to hear.  Have you looked through NSC's
> web site for distributor/sales info?  Plus, there are reports that NSC
> will send out free samples of some chips.
> PS Check your catalogs for an LM1964.  It looks like NSC renumbered this
> chip.  I've seen a LM1964 data sheet which is identical to the LM9044
> sheet (except for the part number).
>                unsigned long BinToBCD(unsigned long i) {unsigned long t;
> Ludis Langens     return i ? (t = BinToBCD(i >> 1), (t << 1) + (i & 1) + 
> ludis at cruzers.com            (t + 858993459 >> 2 & 572662306) * 3) : 0;}

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