Nimpoc at aol.com
Nimpoc at aol.com
Tue Feb 24 18:35:52 GMT 1998
ref: Automotive Supercharging and Turbocharging systems, p.22
"The Napier Nomad compounded aircraft engine developed in the early 1950's...
combined a 41.1 liter 12-cylinder horizontally opposed two-stroke diesel
engine with an axial flow three-stage exhaust turbine and a 12-stage axial
flow supercharging compressor. In its finally developed form, with water
injection and some afterburning, it produced a peak effective output of 4500
hp... The turbine/compressor shaft was coupled to the main output shaft
through an ingenious continuously variable gearbox. The turbine produced 2250
hp at sea level, of which 1800 hp was needed to drive the supercharging
now stuff that in your 911 and smoke...
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