Honda UEGO Sensors..

Charles Grosjean charlesg at
Wed Feb 25 19:43:18 GMT 1998

Land Shark <lndshrk at> writes:

>We could build one with Analog output as well as the capability
>to do simple datalogging and have an optional LCD Display

There is also the Denso wide range sensor, only four wires and two of those
are for the heater =). Available as a Toyota part for about $147 retail. A
constant bias voltage is applied, and a bipolar current is generated depending
on A/F ratio. The only problem with it is calibration, but I suppose someone
with a Horiba/Motec box could fix that.

The biggest problem with the LSM-11 sensor seems to be the temp correction.
The Bosch data (which I've lost) only has about three curves.


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