Using PLC?
Terry Sare
Terry_Sare at
Thu Jan 22 15:40:55 GMT 1998
Umm, I am confuse here. The USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a point to
point, master - slave communication link between a host and endpoint.
That endpoint can be anything you wish it to be, mouse, keyboard,
speakers, etc. The micro that supports the USB link simply contains a
USB serial engine to handle the interface. The serial engine handles
two rates: 12mbits/sec high speed or 1.5mbits/sec.
Something to consider:
1. The host controls the link, currently Intel is the only real
producer of host interface chips as part of their PIC3/4 chipset. Not
real easy to use these thing. Software for interfacing to the host is
very slim pickens' and documentation of the host interface is poor.
There has been ads for other host controllers but most have been "real
soon now" (Netchip comes to mind cause I have their eval board).
2. The link can support Isochronous, bulk, control, and interrupt
packets. Isochrounous has no error checking but is for audio, video,
etc. and a missing bit doesn't matter as much as on time delivery.
Transfer rates from the spec indicate 1mbyts/sec. Bulk has smaller
size, but has error checking built in. Rate is about 1Mbytes/sec.
Control and interrupt are what they say they are and not relevant to
moving data.
3. The micro type limits the above mention transfer rates, the Intel
part only does about 600Kbytes/sec in bulk xfer, the Cyprus parts are
for keyboards and mouse. That is according to their ads :-). The only
way to achieve full speed is using an external SIE and a high speed
micro (x186,332, etc.).
4. Unless you have software on your Wintel computer to support the USB
link, you have no way to use the USB link. Remember, it is point to
point, master slave. One USB device cannot talk to the other in peer
to peer link. At least, not if you follow the spec. :-).
Now, if somebody has some software source for controlling the USB host
under DOS, I would love to see it. The USB is a nifty interface but
since W9x is required -- doesn't do much good for playing with.
Ouch, can you say long winded!!! No, I do not design with USB. I just
have to deal with testing the host interface cause all of our
computers have them.
BTW, skip firewire for now, the spec is not really stable, the parts
are not readily available, and what do you need a 100-400+mbit/sec
link in a car for :-) umm on second thought don't answer that. And
yes, I have seen firewire run and it is quick.
Terry Sare
terry_sare at
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Using PLC?
Author: diy_efi-owner at at dell_unix
Date: 1/21/1998 8:55 PM
jan 15 1998 EDN article on USB said only sustained rates of 6 Mbps
which is same as a ECP parallel port. I would check out FireWire.
> -Scott Flanagan (flanagan at worldnet.att.
<snip>> >
> >Matt Watts
> >University of Utah
> >Formula SAE Racing
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