555 EFI circuit/555 EFI again...

Walter Petermann corsaro at brokersys.com
Sat Jul 4 10:37:18 GMT 1998

Frederic Breitwieser wrote:
..Basically, you are
> creating a variable pulse width output triggered by the cyl's injector (to
> fire the second), with the pulse width varying on a voltage (i.e. Map -->
> Op-Amp --> 555 timer)
since I had a sleepless night (a dumb a** put R134 into my R12 a/c
and did at least $800 worth of damage..) I have been working on a 555
As it stands, it can (should) put out a pulse of between 3 and 8ms.
It has an op-amp that adjusts the control voltage on the 555 and a 
ground pulse on the trigger starts the output pulse. 
I need some more info:
What is the output range of the MAP (0-5v)?. Does the output increase or
decrease for an increase in pressure? 


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