Fw: Open Loop Confermation

Kevin Vannorsdel kv at us.ibm.com
Thu Jul 9 19:33:03 GMT 1998

 Just remember that to fix the int and BL to 128 you gotta clear the ECM memory
--- otherwise it will just hold the BL numbers you had developed with the
previous chip...

  Kevin Vannorsdel     IBM Arm Electronics Development
    408-256-6492                Tie 276-6492     kv at us.ibm.com

owner-diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu on 07/09/98 11:48:03 AM
Please respond to diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
To: diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Fw: Open Loop Confermation

>Does this also fix the integrator value at 128 and not turn on the check
>engine light?


  I think this was mentioned previously, but I was
>wondering if you were able to verify this as well.

I did not personnally verify any of it, testing was done at a remote
location from here.

 Might be best to reply
>to the list.
>> it has been verified, that disabling the 44+45 code flags, and
>> the O2 sensor puts a 1227747 into open loop.


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