your mail

Frederic Breitwieser frederic.breitwieser at
Tue Jul 14 17:59:08 GMT 1998

>how much memory there is in the EEPROM,and does i can erase it with a
>disquette,i don't like Red Hat.

I happen to own a 400Mb or so flash IDE drive, which will be the drive for
my PC104 system.  Very little delay in accessing information - RAM is
always faster than rotating platters (at least so far).  Plus, its
impervious to vibrations, accidents, and temperature extremes.  But its way
too expensive.  An IDE 400MB drive is worth under a hundred bucks, this
thing was in the 600-800 range... don't remember exactly what I paid.  But,
linux will fit :)

Frederic Breitwieser
Bridgeport, CT 06606

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