steve ravet steve at imes.com
Mon Jul 27 14:55:00 GMT 1998

Clare Snyder wrote:
> anyone have the digests for the last week available to e-mail me? I was
> on holiday and my ISP crashed&burned. I've been madly struggling to get
> things back up and running. All my e-mail redirected to snyder.on.ca
> appear to be gone. As my address for EFI purposes was (I think)
> clsnyde at ibm.net it looks like I will still recieve list mail from now
> on.

Clare, go to the WWW page, to the "Search in article archives" link.  At
the very bottom is an entry for "archive current", which is all the
email for the current month.


Steve Ravet
International Meta Systems
steve at imes.com

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