Diacom plus on Pentium laptops

steve ravet steve at imes.com
Tue Jul 28 22:19:37 GMT 1998

jdzura at csc.com wrote:
> >Ludis Langens did have a clever idea for using a serial port to talk to
> >both, maybe someone should forward the idea to Diacom...
> I'm interested, What was the clever idea.
> Joe

Well, here's the link to Ludis' post:


The whole thread was called "GM ALDL interface", you should be able to
find it in subject line search.

The way 160 baud ALDL works has been posted many times, here's a link:


I posted a longer explanation myself a long time ago, but I can't seem
to find it in the archives.


Steve Ravet
International Meta Systems
steve at imes.com

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