simple analog fuel injection comments from CSH, HQ

Bruce Plecan nacelp at
Tue Jun 23 22:21:17 GMT 1998

-----Original Message-----
From: Sanity Challenged <expert_not at>
Subject: Re: simple analog fuel injection comments from CSH, HQ

>Just to get into the spirit of this list lately - which has radically
>changed to the dark side in the last year - why don't you just look it

Well I did, and got a very limited amount of info..  Most usually found file
not found......
>Not to be a smart ass, but thats what the collective wisdom of this
>group of dweebshit told me when I asked about a rumored knock detector
>signal processor.  And heaven help you if you haven't kept up with every
>post from the lord and master concerning the mythical ION and EGOR, you
>are told to blow it out your arse if you would like info - or even just
>a guide on where to get the info.

So if one acts one way, then forever more anyone asking where to
turn is to expect this?..
>Don't you know there are literally hundreds of sites dealing with PICs >and
it's cousin STAMPs.  the PIC producer Microchip will actually send
>you a foot high stack of those obsolete and antiquated things called
>books that detail everything you ever wanted to know and more.  Got full
>drawings, tech specs, thousands of lines of existing code to do much
>stuff, and even a CD-rom with more stuff - all for the astronomical
>price of ----- tadaaaa  ------  FREE !!!!

BTW, I can read those things called books, and do thank you very much,  I
still haven't found where to write for this free info, thou,
it would be a help if you had this info to spill it out.

>Try or (makers of Stamps).  From
>there follow links.  Parallax has mailing lists and FUNCTIONAL archives
>(subtle hint with a sledge hammer) that deal with these devices.  MIT
>has a mailing list that deals with them.  Anyone who cares can run down
>in a matter of minutes more data, applications and help than they can
>use in a lifetime.  A heck of a lot of it deals with automotive

I've started reading there archives, NOW that you were so nice to
actually tell me how to get that info..
>The programming language is simplified to bare essentials.  The chips
>integrate counters, processors, pulse width modulators and even A/D's
>but don't worry - nobody on this list will even consider making their
>private domain pet project compatible with PICs.

Does that include you
Just maybe if the people who knew in detail about these PICs
actually tried to share something about them then that would happen!!>
 And since the chips
>communicate not by wire trace bus's - but a simple serial logic - you
>don't need to be a PCB layout genius to use them.
>And why PICs when people start thinking simple.  Part of simple is the
>availablity of non-dweebshit or self-appointed guru data and parts. PICs
>and stamps meet this nicely.
>There is a lurker (or was quite recently) who has actually built for the
>SAE competition a complete fly by wire engine management system included
>fuel, spark and throttle that resides on a USB controller chip - with
>the help of a couple of custom reprogramable custom asics.  But he did
>it SIMPLE because he understood what he needed to do.  Note that this
>was a controller - not a "micro processor" - not a power pc chip running
>Linux - but a simple ass controller - and it is working tonight, not
>still in the sixth month of labor after several years.

Would have been nice If he had shared some of this, or if someone
took a moment to explain how this was done.
>Most of the EFI projects are way over-engineered. KISS will keep
>recurring.  Non Dweebshit rules - Whatever WORKS is BEST - no exception.
>Simple is better.  Simple does not mean Trivial.

OK, I agree
>Several months ago, some of us had a splinter discussion concerning
>using a PIC or a STAMP and a USB controller as the basis of an engine
>management system.  Then we would use a PC or a laptop to do high order
>stuff like optimization algoriths.  It never went public on this list
>because not everybody choses to follow the orthdoxoly of complicating
>shitting detroit style and we really didn't care to hear all the
>screaming flamers who didn't like our ideas.

OK so you have some neat ideas that you elect not to share,
and then won't help a guy get going on a similiar project, gee that
makes absoluetly no sense to me.
>Now back to our regularly scheduled disection of GM and mythical
>projects that only a selected few will ever be privileged to view the
>results of.

Gee why are you so bitter sounding?.  Opening page says" Addtionally
modifications, and adaptations of OEM ECU would
also be welcomed".  If you can't change the bin then the above is
a mute point, if this is a shoot over the bow at 101/808, If so
suggest we talk this out.
>I now resume the position between to pnuematic side hammers to pound new
>ideas into the ears.

>Habeneros - not just for breakfast anymore!!

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