Northstar, 4L60 combo

Bruce Plecan nacelp at
Wed Jun 24 17:09:25 GMT 1998

-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: Northstar, 4L60 combo

>In the past, someone posted seeing a Northstar bolted to a 200R4 tranny
which is what the Turbo Regals use.  So the bolt pattern is BOC.

Just a note, the 200R4 is a dual pattern tranny.  Full Chevy, full
BOP, just in case anyone missed the BOC, or mistook it for BOP.
>There  are at least two companies making engine to tranny adapters.  The
one I can think of is Transdapt.  I don't know of a url.
>As for the using 4 of the 6 bolt holes, I wouldn't.
>Joe Boucher
>'70 RS/SS Camaro  '81 TBI Suburban

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