simple analog fuel injection comments from CSH, HQ
xxalexx at
xxalexx at
Wed Jun 24 21:51:21 GMT 1998
> From: garfield at
> To: diy_efi at
> Subject: Re: simple analog fuel injection comments from CSH, HQ
> Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 09:17:27 -0700
> Organization: Pilgrim House
> Reply-to: diy_efi at
> On Tue, 23 Jun 1998 21:46:13 +0000, xxalexx at wrote:
> >You could also check out old aviation, the mechanical
> >throttle bodys, just loaded with all kinds of diaphrams and pressure
> >regulation.
> It's funny you should mention the "old aviation" mechanical CIS FI. I
> haven't commented on this before, since I figured it was way TOO simple
> for automotive apps, but our X-aViation group finished a project a few
> months back we called KISS EFI or "KEFI", where be developed a simple
> analog EFI system with a couple astables like the 555 stuff, driven off
> MAP, with a manual mixture control as a trim used to lean at altitude
> w/EGT (just like in normal aviation ops). The system was designed for
> "dualin", so you could have a redundant backup. Hasn't made it to a
> running airplane yet, but sure works fine on the bench!
> And Alex, you might be interested to know that there are TWO distinctly
> different FI systems from "old aviation" (which term we just laugh at,
> cuz there's hardly anything existing in aviation that isn't
> "flintstones" -- talk about backward, whew!); one is refered to as the
> Bendix system (yup the very same), and it IS complicated just like you
> mention. BUT, there is another one called the "Continental" FI system
> (cuz it was designed by the aircraft engine maker, Continental Motors),
> that is just *dirt* simple, VERY similar to Hilborn style FI, comprised
> of no more than fixed nozzles for the injectors, a fuel distribution
> block from a spool valve to the individual injector lines, and THAT'S
> IT.
> Now, the funny thing is, that our KISS EFI project started last year as
> a result of a few of us XA guys discussing at a flyin up north, just how
> we could make an EFI system that was about as simple and bulletproof as
> this Continental system, while avoiding all the special mechanical stuff
> and other vagaries of CFI. And that's how we ended up with the
> astable-based totally analog circuit that has only 3 active chips,
> excluding the INJ drivers, which are Cherry CS-452s.
> Just for you analog fans who seem to be outnumbered at the moment by the
> programming types: Yes, you CAN often make analog stuff MUCH simpler
> than even the simplest micro, but you DO need to speak "solder". So, yes
> truly, it's only for the "select few". Hee. Think of use solder-types as
> the green berets of diy_efi. B))
> Besides, in airplanes, we tend to wanna stay away from computers. Too
> many cases of the dog biting it's master, ifyaknowadamean.
Yes, the old tunning to wrong frequency and locking up with EMI.
I have a bro at M-D- Boeing in F15 flight simulation, I will see
what they use for airline computers, I sure hope I feel better about
flying. I got my A&P in 75, from Parks, in Cahokia,ILL we had a
lot of surplus WWII radial fuel injection type carbs.
Is there a newer system than old Continental? Most likely general
aviation has not changed in 23 yrs?
Have fun in OsKosh Alex
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