GM SmartCoils redux

Bruce Plecan nacelp at
Thu Jun 25 01:29:08 GMT 1998

-----Original Message-----
From: garfield at <garfield at>
Subject: Re: GM SmartCoils redux

>Yer such a sensitive guy, Terry. Heh. I dunno WHAT is in the archive
>concerning Electromotive. I was just tryna ward off the potential thot
>that a retro from a dizzy to these coils is "easy". Now that I've heard
>more from you, I can see I needn't have worried about THAT, per se. So
>yeah, it's the same issue really, for ANY transition from a dizzy to
>crank fired or crank/cam timed.

Well, it might not be too hard actually,  All the ign modules for DIS that
I've looked at have the same four wires from the ign module to the
ecm, the exception if the Buick's with SEFI, that have a synch signal
Generally they have a crank, and cam sensor, which feeds to an ign
module.  Then the est/grnd/bypass/ref to the ecm just as a Dizzy.
One fly in the pintment is that one of the signals needs inverted but
I think that is in the archives.  So if doing a v-8 use caddy, bunches 
of v-6 stuff, and 4's.
>Since MOST guys doing this transition will HAVE to go to some
>aftermarket controller, I'd rather have said just about ANY aftermarket
>controller is gonna allow you to take advantage of these coils. Here's
>Regardless of what BRAND you pick, if the IGN timing is part of the
>controller, you're either gonna get PAIRS of coils to fire or COILS to
>fire, outta your aftermarket ECU. With these new smart coils, mox nix,
>either way is fine, you either connect the "pairs" signals to two of
>these coils (hopefully the RIGHT pair 8), or you connect the "coils"
>signals to each of these coils, and you're DONE. No modules, not nuthin
>else, just the ECU and the coils.

Coils be coils so with the above rather than use DIS Coils use the
indiviual coils.  Use the gm ignition module to trigger a final drive to
handle the "extra" load od the second coil, if there is a higher load.
>I suppose the real question is, what ARE the normal IGN outputs you find
>coming out of these Electromotive, FelPro, SDI, Accel, blah blah
>systems? They're normally intended to fire some MODULE, either a
>per-coil module/ignitor(for the euro/jap guys in the house) or a
>wasteFire coil module. Either way, you can just use this signal to wire
>directly to the coils now. The bottom line is, you've eliminated any
>"modules/ignitors" from the picture. Not to mention that as that other
>post I've mentioned points out, these coils are both CHEAP and light,
>and nice to mount and wire HV-wise.

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