747.ECU, Delco Edit, Gnu Plot and the kitchen sink

Jason Weir jweir at worldnet.att.net
Mon Jun 29 13:45:32 GMT 1998

Has anyone been working on an ECU file for Delco Edit for the 747? I
just wondered what the interest was for such a thing? What I was
thinking was the ECU file kinda sums up everything that has been learned
in programming 101 for the 747 and it would all be in one nice package.
I want to write one but I can't do it by myself (under educated) If
there is enough interest for one I will press ahead if not then oh well
I guess I will go back to the corner...Let me know....Oh yeah is there
any way to have the graphic option in Delco edit be 2D instead of 3D, 3D
timing curves look funny to me?? Are there such a thing as cone shaped

Jason Weir - 88 YJ - 258 / Howell TBI  145K and counting
Fayetteville, North Carolina
JTW Web pages at http://home.att.net/~jweir
mailto:jweir at worldnet.att.net

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