Jennifer Rose javer96 at snowcrest.net
Wed Mar 4 02:55:47 GMT 1998

At 09:21 AM 3/3/98 -0500, you wrote:
>	I was curious what some people have done
>to add VSS output to older cars that didn't have
>them initially.  JTR sells a VSS 'box' that attaches
>inline with the speedo cable and will output the 
>standard 2000 pulse per mile required for the 85-89
>GM computers, but it is $70. I would like to keep
>my stock speedometer if possible, if for nothing else,
>just so that my dashboard matches.  What are other
>people's expereience in this area?
>Christopher Bruno
>321 Harrison Ave. MS/H53
>Boston, MA 02118
>617.422.2040 Office
>617.368.7062 Fax
>bruno at icd.teradyne.com
>Hi Christopher		

	If your mechanically inclined ya can mount the optical head from a gm
vehicle to your speedo. Had a spare for my pu - had to use dremel tool to
Wiring was easy part.


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