PC's and EFI

Michael T. Kasimirsky mtk at tmc.astm.cmri.cmu.edu
Tue Mar 17 18:42:59 GMT 1998

OK, while we're on the subject of building your own ECM from ________ 
(insert your favorite staring point here), how difficult would it be to 
incorporate data acquisition into the mix?  Here's what I'd like to do: 
build an EFI/ignition control system that has sufficient memory built in 
so that I can log everything, i.e. all the ECM inputs and outputs as well 
as wheel speeds, suspension travel, and whatever else I can think of 
putting some electronics on, for say 30 to 45 minutes of runtime.

This would be for a racing motorcycle.  It would allow me to download, at
the end of practice or a race, a painfully complete picture of the whole
session, and with come extra goodies such as a track-side transponder,
even give realtime lap time readouts, accelerations, etc. 

That said, I'm a definite mechanical-type and have only a slight clue 
as to how to do what I've just proposed.  That's why I mainly read here 
and not post; my personal signal-to-noise ratio on this subjest is much 
too low.  :-)

Just some food for thought/discussion material.

Michael T. Kasimirsky       ---->              mtk at tmc.astm.cmri.cmu.edu
Days:    Staff Engineer                     or mk4u at andrew.cmu.edu
         ASTM Test Monitoring Center           Phi Gamma Delta,
Nights:  1992 Suzuki GSX-R750 Pilot            NRA Life Member, AMA Member
         1990 Yamaha FZR400 Superbike Racer    DoD #1848
         1991 Suzuki GSF400 Bandit Mechanic    WERA Novice #22

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