PC warz or EFI_332 Not

Terry Sare Terry_Sare at dell.com
Wed Mar 18 20:04:30 GMT 1998

     Ya got lottsa money? Call Echelon and they will be happy to part you 
     from it. Neat concept, works well according to some people I've talked 
     to, butttt.... the development kit was about 3k. And no alternate 
     sources. Yipes! just my 02 worth.

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Subject: Re: PC warz or EFI_332 Not
Author:  diy_efi-owner at esl.eng.ohio-state.edu at dell_unix
Date:    3/18/1998 11:11 AM

Anyone interested in distributing processing in cars or anywhere....  should 
check out the LonWorks family from Echelon/Motorola.  Haven't followed it 
lately but for awhile .. these chips were amazing!
  Kevin Vannorsdel     IBM Arm Electronics Development
    408-256-6492                Tie 276-6492     kv at us.ibm.com

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