67F687 chip

Sandy sganz at wgn.net
Sat Mar 21 23:55:01 GMT 1998

Yep, they can get them, I would expect that what they have is about it. I have
talked to the engineers a while back at SSI, it they were dissapointed to say,
yep it is dead. Just what is out in stock. This is something that I though of,
but I thing has been better replaced by the 332 stuff. The only drawback to
332 stuff is that it aint' close. The 687 is very cool, I have a buch of the
plans for the eval board, and it is driven off a 68hc11, and that will drive
ignition as well as injection SFI style. To do anything besides waste spark on
V8 is a pain, but hey, that is OK. I always wondered what it would take to buy
the design and remarket it, but that would require some $$ and a place to sell
them. I even have the schematics in Tango I think.


At 01:20 PM 3/21/98 -0900, you wrote:
>After you folks mentioned the Silicon Systems 67F687 Engine
>Interface Peripheral chip, I went looking on the web, and found
>the Data sheet (QuestLink, 55 pages). There is also a supplier
>listed, who swears he can get them.
>If anyone has any first hand experience with the things, I'd be
>interested, because they sure look wunnerful so far! Looks like
>one of these things, tied onto one of the $89 microcontroller
>boards I've been using, would just about make a complete system,
>hardware wise.
>Anybody know for sure if they are vaporware? What's the catch
>here - this looks too easy!

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