DIS Explainations
Clare Snyder
snyder at huron.net
Sun Mar 22 21:14:53 GMT 1998
Raymond C Drouillard wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Mar 1998 02:53:49 -0700 Clint Corbin <ccorbin at Rt66.com>
> writes:
> >At 10:17 AM 3/22/98 +0100, you wrote:
> >>On Sun, 22 Mar 1998, you wrote:
> >>
> >>> I can offer no clues as to why the waste spark only consumes 20-30%
> of
> >>> the spark energy in a DIS ignition system that fires two plugs at
> once.
> >>
> >>The clue is that one cylinder is at atmospheric pressure (or
> thereabouts)
> >>whereas the other plug is at compression pressure. Air is an insulator,
> >>the effect of which increases with pressure as you note. This means
> that
> >>the resistance at the plug exposed to low pressure is much less than
> the
> >>resistance at plug exposed to high pressure. Basic Ohms law tells us
> that
> >>the voltage drop over the high pressure plug will be much higher.
> Since
> >>the current is the same, the energy at the high pressure will be
> higher.
> >>
> >>Egil
> >
> >Don't forget, the gas in the cylinder that's get the wasted spark is
> also
> >very, very hot. Good chance that a lot of this gas is already ionized,
> >further reducing that plugs resistance.
> >
> Are the plugs wired in series? How is this accomplished? Since the
> outer electrodes of all the plugs are grounded to the block, I was
> assuming that they were wired in parellel.
> To wire them in series, we would not be able to use the standard
> autotransformer. Instead, the secondary would have to float. Also, the
> direction of the current would have to be reversed based on which plug is
> to be fired, since the plugs are designed to work with a specific
> polarity.
> Ray Drouillard
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They are in series, and one plug always fires backwards. This is not a
problem due to excess voltage availability. Reverse polarity increases
required spark voltage - no other effect. The ciol fires both plugs at
the same time, in series with the double ended coil.
S 0/ \0 B
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