Water Injection (Was: Re: Wide Ratio O2)

Robert Humphris r.humphris at indigo-avs.com
Tue Mar 24 11:33:43 GMT 1998

In that case a system should cost 10 pounds** for the pump and 3 or 4
pounds** for an injector, which is cheaper than an extra sized

** = ( exchange for you local currency unit ) 

>From: 	Martin Hill[SMTP:EAXMJHI at ean2.mecheng.nottingham.ac.uk]
>Sent: 	Tuesday, March 24, 1998 10:03 AM
>To: 	diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
>Subject: 	RE: Water Injection (Was: Re: Wide Ratio O2)
>> The one problem I can see with water injection is that of rust.  What I
>> would like to do is get one of the Bosch fuel pumps that can be shimmed
>> to give 150psi, and use an injector. trouble is that these will probably
>> rust unless I run some anti freeze as well.
>> Rob Humphris
>I've heard of cars injecting the water from the windscreen washer 
>bottle.  The anti-freeze actually helps, as it stops corrosion, 
>contains alcohol which burns  and stops the water form freezing in 
>the bottle.

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