mounting laptop in car

Clive Apps Techno-Logicals 416 510 0020 clive at
Fri Mar 27 02:37:27 GMT 1998

I pulled this from another list I am on 2 min ago
someone was asking about this about 1 week ago

>>so as to mounting the laptop... The seatbelt was going to be it...
>>Let me know what your end result is.
>I think I finally have a solution. ('bout time, huh? ;) MCM
>Electronics sells a "mobile desk". It consists of a base that can
>be bolted to the floor in front of the passenger seat and/or a
>"no drill" base that uses the seat hold-down hardware, and an
>adjustable pedestal with a platform on top that looks vaguely
>like the top of a music stand. The platform has both clamps and
>straps to hold the laptop down.
>Now I just have to figure out how to mount this thing so it doesn't
>interfere with the passenger's legs... I'll probably get a second
>base so I can move the unit between the Samurai and the Sidekick.

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