Injector shapes and spray patterns

Bruce Plecan nacelp at
Fri Mar 27 13:27:19 GMT 1998

From: Matthew B. Watts <mwatts at>

>Subject: Re: Injector shapes and spray patterns
>>ref Dan, and spray patterns:
>Years ago did alot of work with one engine with down drafts vs
>>side draft, got the same HP having the fuel "bounce off" a
>>vertical wall prior to the intake plenum.  Never did make sense
>>just worked.
  One of the
>engineers termed it the splattering effect.  It converted the liquid
>into 99.6% 300 micron size droplets if I remember correctly.
>With some compressed air it actually did worse.  Didn't get a
>chance to snag one to try on an engine, but I'd bet it'd do wonders.

Ya recall if disc, ball, or pintle?  Or Brand
TIA  Bruce

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