High MPG
Mike Jones
rmjones at cyberhighway.net
Mon May 4 17:41:23 GMT 1998
Solar Turbines, which is a unit of Caterpillar, has just launched a 4000 -
5000 kW machine that uses recuperation (or regenertaion, take your pick) to
pick up some 10% in efficiency. Now 40% simple-cycle vs. 30% previously.
Recuperation is not new certainly, but Solar may be the first to re
arrange components to more logically package the recuperator (the inlet and
exhaust are located at the center of the engine.)
Mike J.
>>Danny Barrett wrote:
Yes, I agree. In fact, I think that if as much time, effort, and money was
put into the development of a turbine engine (like the Chrysler one) as has
been put into the engines we currently run, the "200 MPG carb" type idea
would be a case of "so what!" In the case of the Chrysler turbine, it had a
very ingeneous heat transfer drvice that recycled otherwise wasted heat
from the exhaust to the intake, thereby making the engine more efficient
(this is a bit more difficult with the IC engine to say the least -
basically, it has to be stored as chemical potential energy within the
fuel, and this can only
be done by chemically altering the fuel with an endothermic reaction). The
problem that I can see with the heat exchanger is that it didn't exchange
enough of the exhaust heat. Obviously, if it exchanged more, with a greater
efficiency, the engine would be more efficient - it's basic thermodynamics,
and it's even given a name - "Regenerative cycle" ie. recycle waste heat
energy to raise the efficiency of the engine. And guess what... It's
to do with some sort of turbine. Perhaps someone should revisit the old
Chrisler engine and make the heat exchanger more efficient???
Danny Barrett.>>
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