High MPG
Raymond C Drouillard
cosmic.ray at juno.com
Tue May 5 05:04:34 GMT 1998
Gee, I wonder if that thing will fit under the hood of my Jeep Grand
Wagoneer. 4000 to 5000 KW is around 5500 to 6800 HP. A little
overpowered, I guess. I don't think my transfer case, driveshafts, and
axles would be able to handle it :)
Ray Drouillard
On Mon, 4 May 1998 11:37:13 -0700 Mike Jones <rmjones at cyberhighway.net>
>Solar Turbines, which is a unit of Caterpillar, has just launched a 4000
>5000 kW machine that uses recuperation (or regenertaion, take your pick)
>pick up some 10% in efficiency. Now 40% simple-cycle vs. 30%
> Recuperation is not new certainly, but Solar may be the first to re
>arrange components to more logically package the recuperator (the inlet
>exhaust are located at the center of the engine.)
>Mike J.
>>>Danny Barrett wrote:
>Yes, I agree. In fact, I think that if as much time, effort, and money
>put into the development of a turbine engine (like the Chrysler one)
>as has
>been put into the engines we currently run, the "200 MPG carb" type
>would be a case of "so what!" In the case of the Chrysler turbine, it
>had a
>very ingeneous heat transfer drvice that recycled otherwise wasted
>from the exhaust to the intake, thereby making the engine more
>(this is a bit more difficult with the IC engine to say the least -
>basically, it has to be stored as chemical potential energy within the
>fuel, and this can only
>be done by chemically altering the fuel with an endothermic reaction).
>problem that I can see with the heat exchanger is that it didn't
>enough of the exhaust heat. Obviously, if it exchanged more, with a
>efficiency, the engine would be more efficient - it's basic
>and it's even given a name - "Regenerative cycle" ie. recycle waste
>energy to raise the efficiency of the engine. And guess what... It's
>to do with some sort of turbine. Perhaps someone should revisit the
>Chrisler engine and make the heat exchanger more efficient???
>Danny Barrett.>>
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