Whattza Holden?.

Dan Zorde dzorde at soanar.com.au
Thu May 7 04:56:28 GMT 1998

A few points:

1. The Holden V8 (talking the 308 here) is an Aussie design.  However, some of 
the earlier models late 60's came with 307 Chevs and a variety of other Chevs 
bigger and smaller.

2. The Holden TPI looks good, however there is a lot of smoke and mirrors. 
 What you see is just lots of bolt on plastic bits that come chromed or painted 
to your preference.  Does look good though if you have the twin throttle body 
setup.  Mind you I think if you polish and paint the Chev TPI correctly it 
looks a hell of a lot better than the Holden one.  But if you really want one 
you'd need the full engine as the TPI won't mate to any Chev engines (already 
asked others about it).

Dan	dzorde at soanar.com.au

-----Original Message-----
From:	Paul Tholey [SMTP:pft101 at psu.edu]
Sent:	Thursday, 07 May, 1998 5:57 AM
To:	diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject:	Re: Whattza Holden?.

Where the h*ll can I get that K*ck *ss TPI intake in the Holdens?  I am 

Paul Tholey

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