GM ECM Flash programmer

Matthew Harding mharding at
Tue May 12 09:48:33 GMT 1998

At 11:38  11/05/98 -0400, you wrote:
>On Sat, 9 May 1998 kenkelly at wrote:
>> 1) Has anyone found a shareware or reasonably priced software package to
>> reprogram the 94 & up GM EEProm ECM's.
>Steve Cole of The Turbo Shop sells his Mastertune software that will do
>reprograms of those PCM's.  Not sure if you'll need the Pro version,
>though ($3700)...  :/
>97 Blue Vortech Z28 -  Best ET: 13.100  Best MPH: 111.24 (Goodyear RS-A's)
>361 rear-wheel hp @ 6000rpm,  359 rear-wheel ft-lbs @ 4400rpm

I was put onto an Australian site recently, they have kits including all
software/cables/boards etc to program the Delco EMS's in most of our Holden
(GM) cars.

have a look at....

i really don't know if it would be at all of use to anyone, but hey.....

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