Pressure Sensor for Flow Bench

goflo at goflo at
Tue May 12 17:41:09 GMT 1998

> >On Tue, 12 May 1998 08:23:13 -0500, "John A. Hess" <johnhess at>
> >wrote:
> >
> >>Pardon me if this is a dumb question;  but, what does a diy_flowbench have
> >>to do with diy_efi?

Hmmm. Torches ... the glint of pitchforks in the distance?

Possibly as relevant as how much water you can spray on your brakes
before the guy behind you turns on his wipers? Which fascinated me,
by the way, being innocent of racing brake tech.

All seriousness aside, I'm here for FI, of which accurate air flow
measurement is a significant component, and indeed the weak link in
the loop - You would'nt need a loop if the initial measurement was

My two pfennig. Pace Joachim.

I'm particularly interested in MAF schemes - If they end up on
flow benches that's ok with me. In fact if Fred is listening how
'bout telling us about your shop vac/flow bench with the MAF sensor?

I guarantee a respectful audience of one.


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